strange & unusual

  • some excellent advice

  • because the chicken bus is bound to be more eventful than some air-conditioned tourist van

  • and really work on getting to know your ghosts

  • yep, witch doctors, magic lakes, and nose-drinking would all qualify

  • a ridiculously long title

Meant to be projected while the author speaks, this digital book draws its inspiration from real life adventures (and misadventures) of the artist. It provides viewers with 25 prompts designed to spark adventure and creativity. It was performed for the first time at GRID | 09, a creative conference presented by Bonnier AB in Stockholm, Sweden.

25 Guaranteed Tips & Tricks for Improving the Odds of
Finding Yourself in the Midst of Strange & Unusual Circumstances
Digital Book • Performance
50 Pages + Front and Back Cover, with Audio Commentary


Part digital book, part performance art, this experimental piece challenges the status quo through humor and storytelling.

Book Arts
Mixed Media